background environments

Background environments for use at w-iLab.t Zwijnaarde


Name Description File(s)
wilab-home-1 The home Environment is emulated using 4 WiFi embedded PCs. A server, email client, data client, and video client. The server acts as a WiFi access point and a gateway for the emulated services. The email client will “check email” once every 15 seconds for a duration of one second. The data client is emulated via TCP streams one starting at 45 seconds for a duration of 22.5 seconds and the other starting at 105 seconds for a duration of 45 seconds. The video client is emulated as a UDP stream of 100 kbps for half the experiment cycle and it will start at the middle of the experiment. In total, the experiment takes 150 seconds.




The office environement is based on a live capture performed  with Airmagnet. Due to the limitation of complexity and involved number of nodes, we only selected the most active access points to emulate. In the wilab office 1 environment, three access points were emulated: ibbtvisitor (ather3a, associated with 7 clients), ibbtvisitor (ather3b, associated with 7 clients), and MMlab (associated with 6 clients).  

The airmagnet trace file and its corresponding omf script are attached




wilab-office-2 Simlar to wilab office 1 environment, office 2 environment is again based on another live capture of Airmagnet device, this time only the ibbtvisitor network (2 access points and 8 clients) is emulated. More information can be seen in the Airmagnet trace




wilab-office-3 An office environment created based on office 1 and office 2 scenario, consists of 4 Access Points and several Bluetooth devices



ISR-Tutorial XML experiment configuration file used in CREW experiment definition tool tutorial.
