CREW offers Open Access

CREW is in continuous Open Access phase to support your experiments free of charge!

Final public event & Globecom tutorial

CREW will present its final results at the Wireless Community event (Leuven, Belgium, 29 October 2015, more info) and organises a hands-on tutorial at Globecom (San Diego, USA, 10 December 2015, more info)

CREW PORTAL: access the CREW facilities

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Using cURL for automated control

cURL is a command line tool that can, among other things, transfer files and POST web forms via HTTPS. It can thus be used to automate sequences of operations on the testbed, such as installing an image or powering a node off. Before you can actually control your job you need to authenticate via cURL (Step 1) and find you job ID (Step 2). Afterwards you can control your job (Step 3) and download traces (Step 4) associated with your job ID. The following steps list the relevant cURL commands.

Step 1: Authenticate

Use the following format to authenticate and store the secure cookie for the future requests (replace YOUR_USER_NAME and YOUR_PASSWORD with your username and password, respectively):

curl -L -k --cookie /tmp/cookies.txt --cookie-jar /tmp/cookies.txt -d 'username=YOUR_USER_NAME' -d 'password=YOUR_PASSWORD' -d 'commit=Sign in'

Note that all data fields have to be URL encoded either implicitly using --data-urlencode or explicitly (in case you have special characters in username/password)

Step 2: Find the job_id

You need to know the job_id before you can use curl to control it. This can also be done by fetching and parsing the jobs page with cURL, maybe passing the output through "tidy"

curl -L -k --cookie /tmp/cookies.txt --cookie-jar /tmp/cookies.txt | tidy

Step 3: Control

The following is a list of examples on how to control a job. Make sure that you replace the job_id and node IDs.

  • Erase - For job_id 346, erase nodes 12 and 13:

    curl -k --cookie /tmp/cookies.txt --cookie-jar /tmp/cookies.txt -F __nevow_form__=controlJob -F job_id=346 -F ctrl.grp1.nodes="12 13" -F erase=Erase
  • Install - For job_id 346, install TestSerialBandwidth on nodes 12 and 13 and start serial forwarders:

    curl -k --cookie /tmp/cookies.txt --cookie-jar /tmp/cookies.txt -F __nevow_form__=controlJob -F job_id=346 -F ctrl.grp1.nodes="12 13" -F ctrl.grp1.image=@/home/hanjo/tos/tinyos-2.x/apps/tests/TestSerialBandwidth/build/telosb/main.exe -F ctrl.grp1.sfversion=2 -F ctrl.grp1.sfspeed=115200 -F install=Install
  • Power Off - For job_id 346, power off nodes 12 and 13:

    curl -k --cookie /tmp/cookies.txt --cookie-jar /tmp/cookies.txt -F __nevow_form__=controlJob -F job_id=346 -F ctrl.grp1.nodes="12 13" -F 'power_off=Power Off'
  • Power On - For job_id 346, power on nodes 12 and 13:

    curl -k --cookie /tmp/cookies.txt --cookie-jar /tmp/cookies.txt -F __nevow_form__=controlJob -F job_id=346 -F ctrl.grp1.nodes="12 13" -F 'power_on=Power On'
  • Start Tracing - For job_id 346, start tracing on nodes 12 and 13:

    curl -k --cookie /tmp/cookies.txt --cookie-jar /tmp/cookies.txt -F __nevow_form__=controlJob -F job_id=346 -F ctrl.grp1.nodes="12 13" -F 'start_tracing=Start Tracing'
  • Stop Tracing - For job_id 346, stop tracing on nodes 12 and 13:

    curl -k --cookie /tmp/cookies.txt --cookie-jar /tmp/cookies.txt -F __nevow_form__=controlJob -F job_id=346 -F ctrl.grp1.nodes="12 13" -F 'stop_tracing=Stop Tracing'

Step 4: Collect data

To collect the specific trace file from archived job 336

curl -g -k --cookie /tmp/cookies.txt --cookie-jar /tmp/cookies.txt -d 'job_id=339' -d 'trace_name=trace_20080507_114824.0.txt.gz' -o trace_20080507_114824.0.txt.gz